
New Day

I got thru the assignments yesterday, just in the nick of time. I didn't start to work on them until about 4:45......LOL. I can't help it, I'm just not motivated. I've been here for just about two months now and haven't had much work to do and it sucks. I told a friend about it and their response was "I'd be on You Tube all day". But I refuse to go that route, so I've just been reading blogs.

And today I have a little more work to do. So of course I'm trying to stretch this through the entire day, because if I put it down like I do, then I'd be back to square one (no work) in less than two hours.

Oh well, let me get this done and over with.............

I'll be back!

Peace, Blessings and Laughs


Ticia said...

LOL @ Stretch ... a technique we all use!! LOL

Rudolph said...

Oh my god, there's a great deal of useful material in this post!
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