
Have Book club? Will Join……

I read a lot of books. Let me ‘splain that….mainly fictions but African American authors. And in all this reading I’ve been yearning to have some intelligent conversations with like minded individuals…..sorry I’m at work and every now and again what my inner professional voice kicks in……..anyhoot……like I was saying I’d like to talk about said books with people who have/is read(ing) the book as well.

I’m currently reading “Divas of Damascus Road” by Michelle Stimpson. It’s taking me longer than normal, not that it’s not good, just that it has its moments. But while in Florida, one of mister’s family members asked me if I liked the book and how was it. She said it was good and suggested I hang in there. So I’ll finish eventually. If I was in a book club, I’d probably get thru it quicker. I guess I’ll just have to settle for blogging about it.

“Reading is Fundamental”

Peace, Blessings and Laughs

1 comment:

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Never heard of the book, but I've had a similar thought to have an online book club, but my interest waned because I didn't want to set it up.

Thanks for coming by my spot.