This weekend was cool. Nothing really kicked off, as I said I didn’t have any plans. Friday I left work about 3:30, and went home to relax and chill. And Saturday was here before I knew it. Mister got up for work and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I turned on the TV and got online. I spoke with my grandmother at length and finally left the house about 3. I went out to find something to wear to the party I was attending later that evening, only to return home empty handed. Once home, I still had the hefty task of washing and styling my hair.
Fast forward, I called my buddy about 10:30 to see if he was still going to the party and he was. And 45 minutes later I got a text from him and he had issues and wouldn’t be attending after all. So I was on my own. The party was decent, I saw a few people I hadn’t seen since I left NSU. The music was nice and it was a nice size crowd. I was home in the bed by 2:30 am.
Sunday, I woke up too dang on early but luckily I was able to get back to sleep after about 30 minutes of tossing and turning. Only to get a text invitation for brunch, and when I didn’t respond of course they had to call. But the meeting with my aunt and cousins prevented me from attending the brunch. So instead I got up and typed the notes from last week’s meeting. The meeting lasted much longer than I anticipated. In fact, I was there from 2 pm to 8 pm. My father dropped by for a few and then somehow we got to chit chatting about family history and other stuff.
Monday, not much of nothing…….mister and I went to the movies is how the day started. We went to see Babalon A. D. with Vin Diesel, ummmmmm, wait for the video. The action was decent but by the end of the movie I was like, WTF.
Hope you had a good holiday weekend!
Peace, Blessings and Laughs