
Schedule options……

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have to register for my next class by the end of the week. I’m hoping that I get the grade for the final I just took and then I could register for the next class in that process. I guess I should clarify that. Well I just took the final exam for Auditing, and then next class would be Internal Auditing. So if I do as well as I hoped then I’d take Internal, but if I just did ok I’ll take another class.

I have 4 classes left. So this is my plan:

One class August – December
One class October – February
One class January – May
One class March – June

Yeah there’s quite abit of overlapping there. But it’s essential in order for me to stay on course with finishing next year. A back up plan could/would be:

One class August – December
One class October – February
One class January – May
One class June – August

The backup plan would only have one overlapping session which would give me some breathing time. Either way it looks like I’d participate in the December 2009 graduation. Which do I choose……

which way do I go?

Peace, Blessings and Laughs

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