Breakfast at 12 noon
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Gots me some time
During this down time I've wathed seasons 3 and 4 of Heroe.s and season 4 of Dex.ter. But that's pretty much it. I can't readily recall how else I've been occupying my time.
I composed a list of things I wanted to accomplish during this time, but um.......ROFL. Sometime this week I'll get around to that list.
I guess I could post more huh? LOL
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Caught up
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Watd up yo?
• March: A party for mother – yep mom’s hit the big 6-0 this year and we did a shindig for her. It was really nice and took some maneuvering and trickery to pull it off cause we wanted it to be a surprise. And it was to a certain extent, she kinda caught on, but didn’t know the exact magnitude until she showed up.
• April: B-day get together for E and grad pics photo shoot………I wasn’t too pleased with the photos.
• Coconut visit, ROFL……..thats one of my friends from NJ, she came down for a weekend and we had a good time and ending up meeting another friend in B-more who was traveling with her family for the daughter’s cheerleading competition.
• A.von……….I did a post on my bid to volunteer.
• May: Graduation was May 15 and your girl was happy as a kid in a candy store walking across that stage. I got emotional a few times, but no free flowing tears.
• One day trip to AC to celebrate the b-day for one of my NSU friends and then the very next weekend I was back in NYC for her surprise b-day party
• June: regular school graduation kicked in, my oldest god-daughter graduated from high school as well as another younger cousin, then another god-daughter graduated from junior high
• July: family gathering in Richmond and then a one day trip to OC with my NSU girlies to celebrate the july b-day’s
• August: god-daughter college send off cook-out
Can yall tell I’m tired????? And in between all of that has been a bunch of personal issues, job crap, and a few parties.
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Tears to my eyes……..
You see, the daughter made some interesting comments about family reunions and sla.very. So Uncle and Aunt Pa.yne set about teaching her a lesson by making her do compile a family tree and other hard labor responsibilities. In the end, at the actual family reunion when technology failed, she was able to give a oral report on her family history.
Why was I misty eyed you might ask, well its like this: our fore.fathers and an.cestors endured so much that we now take for granted………COMPLETE and UTTER disregard to those who’ve paved the way, those they overlooked a lot so that we have the advantages and opportunities we have. So to see a young person acknowledge her family history…………well you get the picture.
Back to my posting hibernation!
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
A lunch time walk to Union Station.........
To comply with my New Year resolutions to tried something new.........here’s what I did this weekend:
A few months back I signed up to volunteer for the A.vonWalk in DC. And this past weekend was said walk……..I was scheduled to report Saturday from 4 to 7pm and Sunday 12 to 4pm.
Well I showed up Saturday and it was indeed an experience to remember. There was so many people out and about participating in some capacity and it was great. Things looked very organized…….I drove up and they had people on the side of the roads to answer questions and direct those needing direction. When I walked into the park area there were areas for medical attention, massages and dining tent among other tents for services. I needed to make my way thru all the hoopla to the very edge of the activities to the visitor and volunteer tent where I signed a waiver and received my t-shirt. I was told I had one of two options: cheer on those participating as they came across the finish line or help put up tents. Um, yall know I chose option 1 right.
So with that I set off with my pink pom-pom to join the others waiting at the end of the finish line. Can I say the energy was um, interesting………I saw a few other volunteers, most of which looked to be waiting for someone in particular (which I later find out was indeed the case) But there were a few others that cheered on everyone and one person had a lonely cow bell, ROFL……..
I saw a total of two people that needed to be driven to the medical tent……..one lady behind me laid on the ground for well over 30 mins and before the little trolley car came to her aid. I really wonder if people prepared for the physical aspect of the event. Well at least there was medical staff in the vicinity to tend to her.
I over slept Sunday, so I didn’t make it out for my volunteer shift. Yeah I know shame on me!
2010 New Year Resolutions - better late than neva
- Savings – maintain my savings schedule and up the ante if and when possible.
- Pay off/down debt – I am starting the New Year with just two credit cards that total about 19K. If I can pay off one and half the other I’d be very happy!!!!!
- Hair – another repeat resolution, stay away from ponytails and keep my hair moisturized. I’ve added some color this year so to avoid my hair breaking off I need to keep dry and brittle at bay!
- Do/Try something new every month– Be it food or an activity, I’d like to step out of the norm. Read a different kinda book, take a class say pottery or cake decorating.
- Home Improvements – I’ve got to get new windows and I’d like to renovate the kitchen.
- Maintain me – I think I’m gonna try to hit the spa once a month or once every other month. I like getting a massage and would love to try reflexology and a body wrap.
- Healthy living – wow yet another repeat resolution…….exercise twice a week and something green once a day. Oh and cut down on the unhealthy snacks.
Day 2 of prayer
Day 2 prayer was for strength, courage and guidance to de-clutter: my house, my car, my life (job and marriage).
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
I need a change - 30 days of prayer
So here I sit with tears stingy my eyes typing this, my vow to set aside 10-15 mins everyday for the next 30 days for prayer. Of course I normally start my day with a quiet moment where I express my gratitude and thanks for having another day to get things right and learn something new. But with this I feel I need do and express more. The plan is to start a prayer journal, that way I can be as specific as I want with my prayers and can see what and when I've prayed for the things I need, want and desire.
And with that tonight's prayer will begin with change, I need things to change for me. I need my circumstances and situations to change. And I think the REAL change I need to take place will begin with an attitude change. I want so many things and I think I've concentrated so much on what I don't have that I've lost sight of what I do have. And as a result I'm losing appreciation for what I have.
And off I go to start the first entry to my prayer journal.
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Guess what I got in the mail today........

Yep, your girl is officially degree'd!!!!!!!!!!
Cap and Gown with graduation announcements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Mismatched - AGAIN!
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Blog replies.....
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Hey Blog World......
This past week has been really off....let's see if I can recap.......so Monday was a holiday of which I pretty much did nothing. Tuesday was back to work and cramming since we were off for practically all last week due to enormous amount of snow that fell here in the DMV. Wednesday came and went very quickly. Then Thursday was the homegoing services for a girlfriend that passed. And now here we are Friday night.
I had a many of things I wanted to blog about but never got around to joting down the ideas. So back to the drawing board.
At any rate, I wanted to peek in and say hey and let me see if I can try to work in more blogging!
Have a great weekend!
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Rest In Peace Teddy.
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
2010 N_AACP Nominations WTF????
• 'American Idol 8' (FOX)
• 'America's Next Top Model' (CW)
• 'Dancing With the Stars' (ABC)
• 'Extreme Makeover' (ABC)
• 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' (Bravo) – I’m so outraged at this……..who the heck are nominating these shows??? What the heck was OUTSTANDING about this show?
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Jamie's first.....
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
Fwd: Money Bags
This actually works, and I didn't get around to opening it until
Had a money windfall on Saturday after receiving this on Tuesday.
1 Kings 8:23
A blessing is coming to you in the form of money.
Do not ask questions just forward to
eight people and TRUST GOD!
These are money bags,
send them to 8 good people
& receive money in 4 days.
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
2010 - My Vision Board
So I’m trying to think what all I want on my vision board. I came across some interesting articles. And in an effort to plan out my vision board I need to figure out a theme and what all I want my vision board to entail.
These are some things I’ll include:
*a graduate in cap and gown – cause yall KNOW the sista is doing the walk and graduating in May!
*a couple with a child – cause this is the year I’m claiming the start of a family.
*a new home – complete with furniture
Those are the three main areas I want to focus and concentrate on mostly. Maybe I should put something up there pertaining to paying off my credit card debt.
At any rate google actually has some samples:
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
It kept me from being me; I couldn't do things God's way.
I threw out a book on MY PAST(Didn't have time to read it anyway).
Replaced it with NEW GOALS, started reading it today.
I threw out hate and bad memories,(Remember how I treasured them so)?
Got me a NEW PHILOSOPHY too, threw out the one from long ago.
Brought in some new books too, called I CAN, I WILL, and I MUST.
Threw out I might, I think and I ought.
WOW, you should've seen the dust.
I ran across an OLD FRIEND, I hadn't talked to in a while.
His name is GOD the Father, and I really like His style.
He helped me to do some cleaning and added some things Himself.
Like PRAYER, HOPE, FAITH and LOVE,Yes... I placed them right on the shelf.
I picked up this special thing and placed it at the front door.
I FOUND IT- it's called PEACE.. Nothing gets me down anymore.
Yes, I've got my house looking nice.
Looks good around the place.
For things like Worry and Trouble there just isn't any space.
It's good to do a little house cleaning,Get rid of the things on the shelf.
It sure makes things brighter; maybe you should TRY IT YOURSELF.
May the Lord open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that You will not have room enough to receive it all.
May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever Hope for.
Peace, Blessings and Laughs